Teen Patti Rules

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Just like Poker, Teen Patti (meaning ‘Three Cards’ in English) is a very popular card game specially in South Asian countries. Because of it’s easy and exciting game rules, the game is loved by all age groups.

Game Introduction

It is normally played by 2 to 6 players, using 52 card packs. Each player receives 3 cards face down, and the game winner is decided by how strong these 3 cards are. Before the dealing of the cards, each player uses an amount of chips to make an initial bet (boot amount). This amount is the minimum stake amount of that game. As the game goes further, this amount keeps on growing as players keep on increasing their bets. In the end, all bets go to the winner of that hand / round.

Winner – the player who remains on the table till the completion of that hand is decided by the best cards, or the highest cards ranking.

High to low rankings of the hands:

1. Trail or Set (Three of a kind) – three cards of the same rank, for example three Kings
2. Pure Sequence (Straight Flush) – three cards of the same suit in sequence
3. Sequence (Straight) – any 3 cards in sequence
4. Color (Flush) – cards with the same suit
5. Pair
6. High Card

When comparing cards, Ace is the highest and 2 is the lowest.

The goal is to win either by having the best hand or the best game strategy.

How to play

The game and betting starts with the player to the left of the dealer, and continues clockwise, for as many turns as are needed. Each player in turn can either make a bet to stay in the round, or just fold and leave. When folding, the player permanently goes out of that round and sacrifices the amount of chips he/she has already put into the pot during that round/deal. The amount that the player has to put in at his turn in order to stay in the game depends on the “current stake”, and whether that player is playing blind or seen (a seen player is known as ‘chaal‘). At the start of the betting the current stake is one unit (i.e. the amount that each player put in the pot as an ante).

-If the player is playing blind (Players have not looked at their cards), he/she must put in at least the current stake and not more than twice the current stake. The current stake for the next player is then the amount that you put in.

-If the player is playing as a seen player then he/she must bet at least twice the current stake and not more than four times the current stake.

If the player is playing as a blind player, he/she may choose to look at cards when the turn comes to bet. Players then become a seen player and from that turn onwards you must bet at least twice the current stake (or fold).
The betting continues in this way until one of the following things happens:
1. All except one player have folded. In that case the last surviving player wins all the money in the pot, irrespective of the cards held.
2. All except two players have folded and one of these players at their turn pays for a show. In that case the cards of both players are exposed and compared.

The rules for a show are as follows:
-For a blind player, the cost of a show is the current stake, paid into the pot, irrespective of whether the other player is blind or seen.
-If both players are seen, the cost of a show is twice the current stake.
-In a show, both players’ cards are exposed, and the player whose hand is higher ranking wins the pot. If the hands are equal, the player who did not pay for the show wins the pot.
If you and the player who bet immediately before you are both seen, then at your turn, immediately after betting the minimum amount (twice the current stake), you can ask this player for a compromise, also known as sideshow. The player before you can accept or refuse the compromise.
-If the compromise is accepted, the two players involved privately compare their cards, and the player with the lower ranking cards must immediately fold. If they are equal, the player who asked for the compromise must fold.
-If the compromise is refused, the betting continues as usual with the player after the one who asked for the compromise.

An example may help:
Arjun, Rahul , Danish & Sid are in the game. They all put 1 unit on the table and Sid deals. Arjun decides to play blind and puts one more unit. Rahul decided to play by seeing his cards and folds. Danish plays blind and bets one unit. Sid looks at his cards and puts in 2 units (the minimum amount); the current stake remains at one unit. Arjun raises the stake by putting in 2 units. Danish looks at his cards and folds. Sid puts in 4 units (the minimum amount for a seen player since Arjun raised the current stake to 2). Arjun decides to look at his cards, and having done so he puts in 4 units and asks for a show. Sid shows his cards and the winner takes it all.

How to Win

Some most of the important and helpful tactics that players in may use and bring into their Teen Patti:
– No cards are bad cards
Do not take it too early and fold. Players in Teen Patti are never sure about the other player’s card strength.

– Sideshows are helpful
The game has sideshows for a reason. Use it.

– Start Small
Prepare yourself for a long run of betting for maximum winnings.

– Play Blind
Playing blind gives the player a chance of extracting a big win from the round/game and an adventurous ride.

– Practice makes you the boss
Practice, practice and practice. This will make you a master of Tean Patti and will help you understand other player’s attitude while betting and you will be able to judge the game better and hit the win.

Interesting facts

Teen Patti is closely connected to Hindu community and their celebrations. It is also known by name like Flush or Flash in some areas. The game has been played since centuries. Teen Patti has lots of different variations like Best-of-four, Kiss miss bliss, Cobra, Blind king and jack, High wild and many more but the most common and fun one is here.

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